Tag Archives: Federal

Congress Creates Tenant Star But Does Little Else

In a continued period of falling energy prices, for oil and natural gas as well as renewables, and in an era when energy use in the U.S. has not increased in decades (despite the increase in population), Congress passed an energy bill. ... Tenant Star will present business opportunities and may some day be a market driver in the commercial real estate sector… Continue Reading

Do Not Sell the RECs and Claim the Building Uses Renewable Energy

Owners of building that generate onsite renewable energy, with solar panels or otherwise, and sell the renewable energy credits (RECs) should not claim the building "uses renewable energy." The uncertainty of the solar panel market and the fast changing industry that is in large measure supported by RECs, constantly raises questions about what marketing claims a building owner can make about renewable energy installations on their property.… Continue Reading

Defense Authorization Act Lifts Ban on LEED Gold and Platinum

President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal 2014 in Honolulu last Thursday and while most observers noted that the bill cracks down on sexual assaults in the military and eases restrictions on transferring detainees from Guantanamo Bay, the bill also is a huge win for the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED green building rating system.… Continue Reading

FTC To Ramp Up Enforcement of Environmental Claims

The Federal Trade Commission will begin to ramp up enforcement of environmental claims .. The coming crackdown on environmental claims follows an update of the FTC's Green Guides last year that set forth the commission's current views on environmental marketing to help business avoid making unfair or deceptive claims.… Continue Reading

Comment on the Permit to Kill Eagles with Wind Turbines

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is soliciting comments on the issuance of a take permit "for recurring eagle mortalities" .. It has been suggested that comments should be submitted on the double standard of issuing permits for killing bald eagles with wind turbines while charging .. power companies for electrocuting birds on power lines.… Continue Reading

Federal Green Building Code Creates Unnecessary Risks and Costs

Someone recently asked me why I was baffled about the Department of Defense’s decision to use both LEED and a green building code.  Here are two reasons:  1.  The policy is a waste of taxpayer money. 2.  The policy unnecessarily increases risks for government contractors. LEED + Green Building Code = Duplicative Costs This concept is so logical … Continue Reading