Archives: Codes and Regulations

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Maryland Governor Proposes to Ration Electricity

In an unprecedented move, the Governor of Maryland has proposed legislation that would make Maryland the first state in the U.S. to ration energy use in existing buildings. House Bill 49, titled Environment – Building Energy Performance Standards – Compliance and Reporting, seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by imposing caps on energy consumption for … Continue Reading

Gas Stoves Saved: Washington Voters Reject All Electric Building Mandates

While many Americans were focused on the presidential election last Tuesday, citizens from Washington State and others interested in energy were paying attention to a successful Washington voter initiative protecting access to natural gas for homes and businesses, including preventing regulatory actions to limit access to gas in favor of all electric buildings. On November … Continue Reading

Lawsuit Against Maryland Seeks to Have First Amendment Apply to Green Power

A group of energy companies are suing the State of Maryland challenging the recently enacted Senate Bill 1, which restrains truthfully marketing clean energy products including renewable electricity in the State, in violation of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and Maryland Declaration of Rights. They assert that the law imposes an unconstitutional “speech … Continue Reading

With ‘new’ proposed Maryland BEPS regulations what does a Building Owner do now?

After this was posted, on January 13, 2025 citizen groups and business associations jointly filed suit in the U.S. District Court against the Secretary of the Maryland Department of the Environment challenging the Maryland BEPS program as preempted by Federal statute and unenforceable as a matter of law. Read more here. After this blog was … Continue Reading