Tag Archives: Weatherization

Illinois Weatherization Program Cited for Poor Workmanship, Erroneous Billing

The likelihood that some American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) green building projects would fail should not come as a surprise to Green Building Law Update readers.  Back in February 2009, I wrote about the the difficulties of administering the stimulus funds at state, county and municipal levels.  In January 2010, I highlighted initial problems … Continue Reading

Do LEED APs Get Higher Wages?

Douglas Reiser, who publishes at the Builders Counsel Blog, recently posted an interesting question regarding Davis-Bacon wage determinations for green building projects: "What do you think about Davis-Bacon worker/payment classifications for ‘green building’ specialists or professionals? Should there be a classification for your project’s LEED AP? How about for any independent raters?  I am thinking … Continue Reading

Los Angeles Times Assails Weatherization Program

Back in January 2010, I said this:  "Government officials and citizens are going to expect results form the significant investments in the green movement (particularly in an election year). In 2010, the nation will begin to decide if investments in the green building and renewable energy industries were worth it." Not one month later, it … Continue Reading

Illinois at Fault for Weatherization Program Oversight Failures

The Department of Energy will remain busy in 2010 with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act projects. In addition to $3.1 billion for the State Energy Program, the DOE is also responsible for $5 billion distributed to states for the weatherization of homes.   One state has already come under criticism for management of its weatherization … Continue Reading

District of Weatherization

Reminder:  Don’t forget to register for Green Building Law Update’s Birthday Happy Hour Sometimes, my fair city of Washington, D.C. can drive me crazy. There is no doubt we have our issues. But one thing Washington, D.C. has going for it is its push to become more green. D.C. is at the forefront of the … Continue Reading

Weatherization Funding Announced, Competition Fierce

Back in March, I highlighted that $5 billion in funding had been dedicated to weatherization assistance as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  Six short months later, the weatherization funding is scheduled to begin flowing:   Final applications for the federal weatherization funds were due this month, with the first $2.5 billion expected … Continue Reading

DOE Releases Weatherization and Energy Efficiency Stimulus Funding

Well, that wasn’t much time to get prepared.  The Department of Energy has released the first installment of funding for the Weatherization Assistance Program and the State Energy Program.  "To jump-start job creation and weatherization work, the Department of Energy is releasing the first installment of the funding – about $780 million — in the … Continue Reading