As a sustainability and green building attorney my personal favorite provision in the new LEED v4 Certification Agreement is the very first sentence that includes the warning, "YOU REPRESENT THAT YOU HAVE CONSULTED WITH AN ATTORNEY ABOUT YOUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER". You may give me a call at any time.… Continue Reading
The new law portends fewer, if any, Maryland state and local government projects will be LEED certified in the future, in favor of projects built to the IgCC. .. All of this should be good for green building, good for Maryland, and very good for the planet.… Continue Reading
There is a single change to LEED in v4 that is the most significant, bar none. The change is buried deep within the LEED Operations and Maintenance Existing Buildings program and is not even in the printed reference guide. The quick explanation is the change is an alternative method of satisfying the prerequisite that an existing building achieve an Energy Star Portfolio Manager tool energy performance rating of at least 75.… Continue Reading
A package of local government bills introduced on January 29th aim to ensure that Montgomery County, Maryland remains at the sustainability forefront. The legislation is a model for local government environmental and energy initiatives and we provide a link to each bill with the thought that these may inspire other cities and counties,… Continue Reading
Against a backdrop in early 2014 where by many measures environmental progress in business appears to have plateaued, Environmental Product Declarations are among the hottest topics in sustainability.… Continue Reading