Tag Archives: Stuart

Congress Creates Tenant Star But Does Little Else

In a continued period of falling energy prices, for oil and natural gas as well as renewables, and in an era when energy use in the U.S. has not increased in decades (despite the increase in population), Congress passed an energy bill. ... Tenant Star will present business opportunities and may some day be a market driver in the commercial real estate sector… Continue Reading

Mid Term Election Results Superb For Green Building

Election Day 2014 in which Republicans made big gains in Congress and statehouses across the country portends huge business opportunities for green building. As more conservative legislative bodies look to enact environmental and energy policies while driving up growth without enacting new mandates or imposing new taxes, enabling voluntary green building is positioned to be part of the new legislative agendas.… Continue Reading

The Single Most Significant Change in LEED

There is a single change to LEED in v4 that is the most significant, bar none. The change is buried deep within the LEED Operations and Maintenance Existing Buildings program and is not even in the printed reference guide. The quick explanation is the change is an alternative method of satisfying the prerequisite that an existing building achieve an Energy Star Portfolio Manager tool energy performance rating of at least 75.… Continue Reading

My Green Building Exit Memo

So this post is a farewell of sorts.  And, an introduction that I am very excited about.   The Farewell  I can’t write for this blog anymore.  You may have noticed — or not noticed — that I stopped writing about one year ago.  It’s not because green building doesn’t interest me any more.   … Continue Reading