By Katie Stanford and Stuart Kaplow LEED Commercial Interiors projects present the best single opportunity for greening buildings. The proof is in the numbers. There are more than 5.6 million existing commercial buildings in the United States today. And despite the wildly successful U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED (the ubiquitous acronym for Leadership in Energy … Continue Reading
Halloween activities often include carving pumpkins into jack o lanterns and trick or treating in costume, and this year on All Hallows’ Eve you should be registering your LEED project. The end is near. October 31, 2016 is the last day to register a LEED version 2009 project. Registration will close on that date and … Continue Reading
With the November 1, 2016 deadline approaching when new LEED projects must register under the new LEED version 4, the real estate industry has been uncertain about the first costs and benefits of LEED v4 building. The uncertainty has been fermenting since the summer of 2102 when the vote on “LEED 2012” (now called LEED … Continue Reading
Georgia General Assembly House Bill 255 is proof that the "wood wars" surrounding the LEED green building rating system continue to be waged. That said, the specific bill is Much Ado About Nothing.… Continue Reading
The General Services Administration is seeking public input on its analysis of LEED v4 and other questions related to the Federal Government's use of LEED v4.… Continue Reading
While hundreds of governments throughout the United States have adopted programs incentivizing green building, many tied to the LEED rating system, Arlington County, Virginia is the first to tie incentives specifically to the new LEED version 4.… Continue Reading
LEED v4 Delayed, Again. The U.S. Green Building Council has announced that projects will still be able to register under the current LEED 2009 through October 31, 2016.… Continue Reading