Tag Archives: Energy Star

New Green Building Tax Credit is a Progressive Effort

At a time when the building industry is principally concerned with the impact of COVID-19 and the luster is off green building, the Montgomery County Council last Tuesday unanimously approved legislation “to accelerate the construction of highly energy efficient buildings and green retrofitting of existing buildings.” Bill 10-20 dramatically upgrades the Maryland county’s existing green … Continue Reading

The Opportunity for ENERGY STAR

While much of the media hyperbole has focused on the Trump Administration’s 2018 Budget request of $5.7 Billion for the Environmental Protection Agency, a reduction of $2.6 billion, or 31%, from the 2017 level of funding, little attention has been paid to specific priorities including the resultant opportunities for green building. One of the key … Continue Reading

The First BREEAM USA Certification

The Oaks, a 1.3 million square foot shopping mall located in Thousand Oaks, California, owned by Macerich is the first project achieve certification under the new BREEAM In-Use program for existing buildings. Macerich, a leading owner, operator and developer of major retail real estate with a portfolio of over 50 shopping malls, also earned the … Continue Reading

HUD Adopts 2009 IECC (Not the 2012 or 2015 version) and Why You Care

For all intents and purposes federally assisted housing must now be green. And while such is generally viewed as positive and as advancing green building (.. the big winner may be LEED), some worry about the implications for affordable housing and others about the homogenization of American housing by federal government efforts to save the planet.… Continue Reading

Is the Energy Star Program Doomed?

I have previously written about informal complaints regarding the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Energy’s (DOE) Energy Star Program for appliances.  Based on recent findings of a Government Accountability Office report, it seems much larger systemic problems exist within the Program: "In a nine-month study, four fictitious companies invented by the accountability office … Continue Reading

ENERGY STAR Leaders Program Proves Successful

What would you tell the federal government about green building law if you had the opportunity? This past weekend, I contemplated this question as I prepared for a presentation that two colleagues – Catherine Kunz and Stephen McBrady – and I will be giving to the National Research Council and 15 federal agencies that will … Continue Reading

“Super Star” Green Label Proposed

A major overhaul to the Energy Star program, which currently certifies and labels products that are energy efficient, is imminent. How this overhaul occurs remains to be seen. On the one hand, the two current agencies responsible for the Energy Star program- the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Energy (DOE) – are … Continue Reading

Can Green Building Regulations Keep Up?

The Energy Star program, responsible for certifying energy efficient products, is about to undergo some major changes. Recently, the program, run by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Energy (DOE), has come under fire from a number of groups: "Various stakeholder groups, such as manufacturers, utilities and even Consumer Reports , the … Continue Reading

Anyone Using Energy Star Benchmarking?

To finish off the week at Green Building Law Update, we are going to attempt to answer another reader question with the help of all the readers out there. In a previous post, Anna MacLeod posted the following question:  I need to find some DC-based architect, commercial building development companies, etc… Anyone who would be affected … Continue Reading