On Monday, I discussed conflicts between military construction and green building certification. Green building certification was originally created for commercial office buildings, which can create some odd applications in military construction. While we have have already discussed energy efficiency, bicycle racks and HVAC systems, there is one component of military construction that conflicts directly with many green building components: anti-terrorism.
I never imagined someone had completed a study of these conflicts:
The LEED®-DoD Antiterrorism Standards Tool addresses the security implications of strategies used to achieve each LEED credit with regard to their inter-relationship (i.e., potential conflicts and synergies), from the Department of Defense (DoD) perspective. Information is presented within a color-coded matrix based on the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Rating System (LEED-NC Version 2.1) cross-referenced with the applicable standards in Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 4-010-01, DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings. As such, critical areas are easily identified, prompting the project team to work collaboratively, using a ‘whole building’ approach, to develop successful, efficient solutions for a high performance, secure building.
For a government contracts attorney focused on green building legal and regulatory developments, the Standards Tool is a remarkable discovery. My eye was immediately drawn to the "conflicting requirements" in the Standards Tool. According to the Standards Tool, the following LEED credits are in direct conflict with Anti-terrorism Standards:
- SS-2 Development Density
- SS-5.2 Reduced Site Disturbance, Development Footprint
- SS-6.1 Stormwater Management, Rate and Quantity
In future posts, I will be exploring the conflicts between these LEED credits and the Anti-terrorism Standards Tool. Have any of you worked with a building trying to comply with both LEED certification and the Department of Defense Anti-Terrorism Standards?
Related Links:
LEED DoD Antiterrorism Standards Tool (WBDG)
Conflicts Arise Between Military Construction and Green Building (GBLU)