If you have been reading Green Building Law Update for any length of time, you have read about the $4.5 billion that was given to the General Services Administration through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  The GSA has announced plans to use the $4.5 billion to create high performance, green government buildings. 

The GSA currently requires that all new projects achieve LEED Silver certification.  Is it possible that the GSA is going to push for even higher green building certification levels?  We will soon find out according to a column by Bill Gormley in the Washington Business Journal: 

The government is expected soon to issue new directives on green procurement.  Michelle Moore, the new federal environmental executive, is pushing hard for green standards – particularly for third-party certifications to help provide some kind of proof that green actually means something to vendors and government buyers. 

Are we at the stage where the GSA should require LEED Gold, or even LEED Platinum on all new construction?

Government Moves to Define "Green" Contracting

(WBJ) (subscription req.)

GSA – Sustainable Design Program


GSA Building Underperforms


GSA’s Green Stimulus Projects