In anticipation of GreenBuild, Green Building Law Update is going to step back and ask: what is the state of green building? 

These are definitely interesting times for the green building industry.  On the one hand, as I have highlighted, green building projects may have to be shelved due to the tight lending market.  But making conclusions based on a snapshot of the current green building industry is short-sighted.  Prior to the economic crisis, we were in the middle of a “green revolution” and the revolution will continue when we emerge from the slumping economy. 

I am not the only one voicing these long-term positive expectations for green building: 

"The state of the art will be green," said Block, partner at Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP. "There’s no question about that." Block pointed out that as part of their more stringent standards, lenders will insist on the-state-of-the-art when it comes to financing new construction. Moreover, government is leading the way in mandating green standards, he added.

If the state of the art is going to be green, maybe it’s time you learn about green building.  Stick with Green Building Law Update and we will lead you through the “green revolution.” 

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Green Building:  Opportunity or Legal Quagmire?