After a failed moratorium and years of litigation to void a settlement agreement, 34 wind turbines may finally be erected in the Town of Prattsburgh, New York. Wind is one of the cleanest and most sustainable means of generating energy but some in the environmental movement see wind turbines as "Cuisinarts in the sky."… Continue Reading
Last week the U.S. Department of the Interior issued the long awaited final regulation permitting "the take [injure, kill or otherwise disturb] of bald eagles and golden eagles" for wind energy projects. ... What is clear from all of this is that developers of energy projects, renewable and otherwise, and even energy projects not currently subject to avian regulation, need to consider and evaluate applying for take permits.… Continue Reading
This case represents the first criminal conviction under the 1915 era Migratory Bird Treaty Act for unlawful avian takings at wind projects. Duke Energy plead guilty on November 23, 2013 to 2 misdemeanor counts.… Continue Reading
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is soliciting comments on the issuance of a take permit "for recurring eagle mortalities" .. It has been suggested that comments should be submitted on the double standard of issuing permits for killing bald eagles with wind turbines while charging .. power companies for electrocuting birds on power lines.… Continue Reading
In a case important beyond the State of Washington, the State's highest court expressly acknowledged the dynamic tension of balancing the competing interests of the ecology versus generating electricity, coming down on the side of electricity, all be it renewable energy from wind turbines.… Continue Reading
This week, I want to tell you about new green building developments in the D.C. metropolitan area. I like incentive programs related to green building. D.C. recently came out with a solar rebate program that will most definitely increase the installation of renewable energy systems: Beginning February 23, 2009, the program will provide rebates to … Continue Reading