ASHRAE standard 189.1 will be republished in 2014 for adoption in the IgCC 2015. You can go online today and participate in meetings, public reviews, and more ..
In an environment of green building standards, rating systems, and codes, it is the republishing of ASHRAE Standard 189.1 that may be the single most significant act in 2014 toward improving the built environment.
When many consider green building they do so in terms of rating systems like LEED or Green Globes and codes like the IgCC or CalGreen.
As a rating system, LEED is a green building certification system, providing third party verification thru the private Green Building Certification Institute that a building was designed and built using specific strategies aimed at improving performance. Codes are the law. Think the International Building Code.
Standards are most simply a consensus document developed and published to define minimum values of acceptable performance. ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, develops standards for the refrigeration processes and the design and maintenance of indoor environments.
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 provides minimum requirements for the energy efficient design of buildings. ASHRAE Standard 189.1 provides a “total building sustainability package” to design, build and operate green buildings. From site location to energy use to recycling, this standard establishes how to build a green building. Standards are often the basis of codes and rating systems. By way of example, there are many ASHRAE standards contained within LEED.
For those who think the importance of a republished ASHRAE 189.1 is overstated, note that the Department of Defense, the largest owner of buildings in North America, that is also the owner or more green building and more LEED certified building than anyone else, based its Unified Facilities Criteria 1-200-02 High Performance And Sustainable Building Requirement on ASHRAE 189.1-2009.
The 189.1-2014 will contain a number of new and updated requirements to reflect new information that has become available since the publication of the 2011 standard. In addition, it will now reference the 2013 versions of Standards 62.1 and 90.1, and incorporate changes reflecting the changes to those standards. And pending final approvals, expect changes requiring quality lighting, filter sealing, materials declarations, and more.
You can effect change and participate in all things 189.1 by subscribing to the listserv. You will be notified about meetings, public reviews, etc. Go to–publications/free-resources/listserves.
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