[You may notice a new tab up above: Green Jobs. As part of our continuing experimentation here at Green Building Law Update, I am creating a makeshift green jobs board. See details below. Please take this free opportunity to share your green jobs!]

"It’s hard to define what a green job actually is."

I hear a lot from people interested in obtaining a green job.  Once upon a time, I was asked "What is a green job?" in an interview and fumbled around for an answer.  

You know what? I don’t care how to define this phrase.  It may matter to someone conducting a census of jobs, but it does not matter to me and it does not matter to the people looking for "green jobs." 

Instead of trying to define a "green job," I want to help connect my readers to these jobs.  So I am going to start a makeshift green jobs board

If you are interested in publishing your green job, post it in the comments section below using the following format: 

Name of job
Contact Information
Job description:  100 words or less. 

I will review and approve comments before each job posting goes live.  I reserve the right to reject any green job that is submitted.  I want to keep this simple for now to see if it works out.  If this takes off, and we hit 50 green job advertisements, I may require a nominal fee for job placement.   

Happy green job hunting.  And check out the first job – it’s a good one