Did you know the Washington Nationals stadium is the first LEED certified stadium built in the United States? An interactive USA today article highlights some of the green building practices that helped the stadium obtain certification. Among the green building practices incorporated into the stadium are green roofs, air cooled chillers and low flow faucets and toilets. Despite successfully obtaining LEED certification, it appears the City and Owners will end up in significant litigation.
On July 11, the Washington Post ran an article about protracted disputes between the City and Washington Nationals’ Owners over the construction of the Nationals stadium:
“Although each side needs the other to make the stadium a success, neither appears willing to back down. The fight centers on whether the ballpark was ‘substantially complete’ by March 1, when the city, which oversaw the construction, was contractually obligated to hand the keys to the Lerners.”
I wonder if the dispute over “substantial completion” centers around green building features? GBLU will keep you updated as more develops.