Tag Archives: Stuart Kaplow

Maryland is Leading the Transition to All Electric Buildings

There is a move toward all electric buildings as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. The state of Maryland is leading the way in this movement, including several local jurisdictions adopting all electric building code laws. All electric building codes require that new construction and major renovations be powered by … Continue Reading

EPA (Finally) Finalizes Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Rule

On December 15, 2022, EPA took final action to amend the All Appropriate Inquiries Rule to reference ASTM International’s E1527-21 “Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process” and allow for its use to satisfy the requirements for conducting all appropriate inquiries under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, … Continue Reading

FTC Seeks Public Input on Update to Green Guides for Environmental Claims

The Federal Trade Commission announced last Wednesday that it is seeking public comment on updates and changes to the Green Guides for the Use of Environmental Claims. In an era when charges of greenwashing and green hushing are proliferating across social media while at the same time governments are mandating ESG including environmental disclosures by businesses, … Continue Reading

Maryland is the First State to Regulate Carbon

Maryland has enacted the most rigorous state law in the country reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and otherwise addressing ESG stewardship including climate change. Businesses can and should treat this as the greatest responsibility and opportunity of our time. Literally resetting the trajectory of Maryland’s economy, making sweeping changes to the Old Line State’s already … Continue Reading

Government Proposes Federal Contractors and Their Suppliers Disclose GHG Emissions

The Federal government is proposing the Federal Supplier Climate Risks and Resilience Rule, which will require major Federal contractors publicly disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and climate related financial risks and set emissions reduction targets. The implications of this reach far beyond only Federal contractors impacting nearly every sector of the US economy, as contractors calculate … Continue Reading