Next week will be a year since the launch of Arc. Already approaching a Billion square of projects not only in the United States but also from India to Sweden and Israel to Bhutan, if you are not familiar with the Arc platform, that helps a building owner measure performance and benchmark against others, you … Continue Reading
Nearly 20,000 people attended the U.S. Green Building Council’s Greenbuild 2016 convention in Los Angeles last week with more than 600 exhibiters from the green building industrial complex showcasing innovations and new products on the expo floor. Regular readers of this blog will know that I blogged from Greenbuild last week, including Top 10 Products … Continue Reading
With LEED Dynamic Plaques starting to appear in building lobbies it is a good time to understand this new U.S. Green Building Council platform. It is a whole lot more than a 7 lb. display unit. While we are aware of six LEED Dynamic Plaque certifications, according to the USGBC, the Dexter Horton Building in … Continue Reading
There are a number of LEED-policy articles floating around the internet these days. Fast Company wrote an article bashing LEED for poor energy performance. Lloyd Alter responded at Treehugger with an article bashing the Fast Company article. It’s time to move the discourse forward. How Does the USGBC Intend to Improve Building Performance? One of … Continue Reading
I’m impressed. In one fell swoop, the USGBC has stepped up to the plate to address the primary criticisms of the LEED rating system. Kudos to Scot Horst and the USGBC for acknowledging an issue that has bothered many users of the LEED rating system: “Today there is all too often a disconnect, or performance … Continue Reading