The Washington D.C. government has recently began incorporating Social Media 2.0 into its public outreach. Agencies have Facebook pages, some are on Twitter and officials have even taken to participating in online chats with the public. I was very excited to learn that Councilmember Mary Cheh was conducting one of these online chats last Friday. … Continue Reading
Continuing our discussion of topics from Greenbuild, we now move to Los Angeles’ green building regulation. We have already highlighted Portland’s innovative Feebate enforcement mechanism. Los Angeles has created a very different enforcement mechanism that, frankly, may cause problems. Under Los Angeles’ Green Building Program Standard of Sustainability, projects meeting certain size requirements must: (1) include … Continue Reading
Continuing our posts from GreenBuild, our next two posts will discuss two very different green building regulatory enforcement mechanisms from two very different cities. The first city, Portland, has created a very innovative enforcement mechanism to enforce its stringent green building regulations. Portland is very similar to other cities in that they will require specific … Continue Reading