With large numbers of businesses having initiatives to advance gender and racially diverse talent, keeping track of the law on this subject is a necessity… Continue Reading
The quality of the air we breathe is fundamental to our well being if not life itself. With Americans spending nearly 90% of their lives indoors, the importance of healthy indoor air quality (IAQ) cannot be overstated. In response to the growing concerns about IAQ, a Model State Indoor Air Quality Act has just been … Continue Reading
We are already working with a broad breadth of businesses, including tenants and landlords, to develop strategies to assist them in taking advantage of this opportunity to monetize their GHG emission data … Continue Reading
To appreciate that calculation in context, global smartphone charging is responsible for 8,050,000,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year… Continue Reading
London's Low Emission Zone and New York City's proposed Congestion Pricing, while coming from very different places geographically and ideologically, represent dramatic strides in urban planning and environmental stewardship. … Continue Reading
While American businesses continue to wait for the update to the 2012 FTC Green Guides this draft Guidance from Down Under is the best checklist, we are aware of, for mitigating the risk of greenwashing claims.… Continue Reading
The moral equivalence of U.S. companies and individuals installing solar panels created with government-sponsored modern slavery to remedy the ills of climate change, has in the last year shifted sharply in favor of Americans doing the right thing for those in forced labor from Xinjiang. … Continue Reading
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it unlawful for employers “to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges [of] employment, because of such individual’s .. religion.”… Continue Reading
Companies seeking to avert backlash through green hushing can ultimately contribute broadly to corporate sustainability if not repairing the planet.… Continue Reading
The judicial branch will supplant the executive and legislative branches, in driving greenhouse gas and the larger global warming policy… Continue Reading
ESG will flourish as companies address inequality, including unequal access, systemic racism, gender discrimination, and lack of inclusion in their efforts to repair the world … Continue Reading
How courts will likely analyze the growing numbers of greenwashing claims, providing guardrails for companies and mitigating their risk.… Continue Reading