Tag Archives: GreenBuild

Greenbuild was Proof Positive that LEED is Thriving

The just completed 2019 Greenbuild International Conference and Expo in Atlanta is absolute proof that the LEED green building rating system, with more than 100,000 projects registered and certified, is thriving. The theme of this year’s Greenbuild was “A New Living Standard,” that everyone, regardless of background or circumstance, deserves a safe and healthy place … Continue Reading

Greenbuild – The Target Rich Environment for Green People

Friends from Lorax Partnerships at Greenbuild
I am often asked, “how can I expand my green building business?” And I have offered the same response for more than a decade – attend the Greenbuild International Conference and Expo (.. yes, you will have to talk with people while you are there). This year Greenbuild is in Chicago from November 14 thru … Continue Reading

Eat, Pray, Greenbuild?

I am often asked, “how can I expand my green building business?” My answer is simple and the same response I have offered for years, attend the Greenbuild International Conference and Expo. This year Greenbuild is in Boston from November 8 – 10. I do not claim any particular business marketing prowess. Nor can I … Continue Reading

The Future was on Display at Greenbuild

Nearly 20,000 people attended the U.S. Green Building Council’s Greenbuild 2016 convention in Los Angeles last week with more than 600 exhibiters from the green building industrial complex showcasing innovations and new products on the expo floor. Regular readers of this blog will know that I blogged  from Greenbuild last week, including Top 10 Products … Continue Reading

Attend Greenbuild – The Best Way To Grow Your Green Building Business

I am often asked, “how can I expand my green building business?” My answer is simple and the same response I have offered for years, attend the Greenbuild International Conference and Expo. This year Greenbuild is in Los Angeles from October 5 – 7. I do not claim any particular business marketing prowess, but Greenbuild … Continue Reading

Attend Greenbuild: The Best Way To Grow Your Business

Greenbuild 2014 in New Orleans will be "the" target rich environment for green building people this year. And for those who will complain that this blog post is shameless promotion of USGBC, that might be true, but it is also correct that Greenbuild has been the number one source of new business for my green building law firm!… Continue Reading

Lots to Know About Greenbuild

I honestly can’t wait for Greenbuild this week.  Here are a few reasons why. Sustainable Cities Collective In addition to publishing Green Building Law Update, I recently became an advisory member of Sustainable Cities Collective (SSC).  SSC is a helpful website because it aggregates articles and blog posts from some of the top green and … Continue Reading

What’s the Next Big Challenge in Green Building Law?

Two years ago, I attended my first Greenbuild, the annual conference and exhibition hosted by the US Green Building Council, in Boston, Massachusetts.  Frankly, it was a bit uncomfortable and I felt like an outsider.  By my count, only four attorneys were present among the thousands of attendees.  But the discussion of green building legal … Continue Reading

A Green Building Breakup

Dear Feebate, I’m sorry to be writing this.  First, I have to say, it’s not you, it’s me. You have done nothing wrong. I remember when we met back at Greenbuild ’08. The Portland officials were very eager to show you off and I fell for you hard. You were everything I dreamed of in … Continue Reading

GreenBuild Recap Part I: Government Regulation

While at GreenBuild, I had the pleasure of listening to Jeff Harris of the Alliance to Save Energy speak about the Presidential Climate Action Project.  Two of the points raised by Jeff really got me thinking and I want to share these ideas with you. During his presentation, Jeff stated that the U.S. government is … Continue Reading

Two Days Until GreenBuild!

As you may know, this week is the United States Green Building Council’s national event, GreenBuild, in Boston:  USGBC’s Greenbuild conference and expo is an unparalleled opportunity to connect with other green building peers, industry experts, and influential leaders as they share insights on the green building movement and its diverse specialties. This year’s theme … Continue Reading