Tag Archives: Davis Bacon

Do Davis-Bacon Wage Issues Affect Your Stimulus Project?

Across the country, government officials are scrambling to award and spend American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding before upcoming deadlines.  If you are a contractor or subcontractor lucky enough to work on one of these projects, congratulations!  Now comes the tough part.  Working on a federal or state-funded project brings a myriad of regulatory … Continue Reading

Do LEED APs Get Higher Wages?

Douglas Reiser, who publishes at the Builders Counsel Blog, recently posted an interesting question regarding Davis-Bacon wage determinations for green building projects: "What do you think about Davis-Bacon worker/payment classifications for ‘green building’ specialists or professionals? Should there be a classification for your project’s LEED AP? How about for any independent raters?  I am thinking … Continue Reading

Does Your Construction Project Require Davis-Bacon Wages?

[I have said many times that the legal principles that will apply to green building projects will be very similar to existing legal principles in the construction law field. Going forward, on Fridays we will be reviewing legal developments from the construction industry that most likely will be applied to green building projects.]   If … Continue Reading