Tag Archives: Bird Collision Deterrence

LEED Offers Companies a Response to Declining Bird Populations

Condor in the Cordillera Huaywuash, Peru
In response to a much publicized new study on North American bird populations that appeared in the journal Science last month, we received a significant number of inquiries from businesses about what an appropriate response might be from a responsible company? The study found “cumulative loss of nearly three billion birds since 1970, across most … Continue Reading

LEED Bird Collision Deterrence to be Required in Highland Park

Between 365 and 988 million birds are killed annually by window collisions in the U.S. It is suggested that green building programs, like LEED, encourage using natural light to reduce energy use and encourage green views resulting in the use of more glass. And windows are no friends to birds as we all know from the popular Windex television ad.… Continue Reading