[As part of the evolution of Green Building Law Update, I like to try out new post topics and formats. Today I am beginning a new feature at Green Building Law Update: “Sensible Interview.” Please let me know what you think.] Back in December, Kimberly Miller of Sensible City provided me with a press pass … Continue Reading
This week at GBLU, we are focusing on the Shaw Development v. Southern Builders case, the first significant example of green building litigation. On Monday, GBLU explained the importance of the case and reviewed the basic facts. Today GBLU will review the most important part of the case, the contract between the parties and accompanying … Continue Reading
If you are in green building and worried about associated risks, this may be a post you do not want to read. On September 11, the Journal Record published an illuminating, but chilling, article regarding green building litigation. The opening sentence really says it all: As LEED projects proliferate, lawyers foresee an era of green-construction … Continue Reading