You may have noticed that I have moved to a new law firm, one of the top law firms in the world. I am working in the government contracts group, widely regarded as the preeminent government contracts practice, hands down. I get to speak to and work with incredible lawyers on a daily basis, and now have tremendous resources at my disposal.   So the question is, how can I use these resources to benefit you? Some topics that I think might be of interest are:

  • Government contracting under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
  • Financing mechanisms for green building
  • Legal issues surrounding renewable energy
  • Start-up issues for green businesses
  • Antitrust issues related to green building products and certifications
  • Deceptive trade practice claims that will impact green businesses

But you need to let me know what topics are of interest to you.

What do you want to read about, learn about and discuss?