[Ed. Note: Steve McBrady is your Editor this week]
One of the primary focuses here at Green Building Law Update has been the emergence of Green building and sustainable development as an “unstoppable force” in the world of real estate development and construction – as well as the emerging federal, state, and local regulations that accompany this Greenward* move.
Lately, with the federal government’s heavy investment in Green building through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), much of our focus has been on how this money is being spent, its potential impact on the economy, and (of great significance to our readers), what exactly various new government regulations mean. But Green building existed before the ARRA, and it will be a driving force in the American economy long after the stimulus dollars run out.
So, allow myself to introduce … myself. (Credit to Mike Myers for that one). On November 16-18, Chris and I, along with our colleague Randy Erickson, will be traveling to Orlando, Florida for the Construction Users Roundtable’s Annual Conference, where we will address key Green building issues in both the Public and Private sectors:
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) is aggressively expanding federal and state investment in Green construction and renovation projects. Moreover, an increasing number of state and local laws require private Owners to meet stringent Green building requirements. In this presentation, Crowell & Moring attorneys will cover the "nuts and bolts" of Green construction in the 21st century, including:
· Green building certification
· Green building under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
· Key state and local Green building laws
· Green building risk management
The theme for this year’s conference is “Surviving and Thriving in Today’s Construction Industry.” Our goal is to discuss critical Green building issues facing Owners and Contractors as they navigate Green building opportunities, risks and regulations on Public and Private construction projects.
What questions would you like to see addressed?
*[Ed. Note: to our knowledge, Greenward is not actually a word]