As promised, below is the slideshow from last week’s "Green in the Stimulus" presentation as part of Rutherfoord’s Trends in Green Building seminar.  Unfortunately, I have not figured out how to synchronize audio files with a slideshow – maybe next time.

I had two goals when I created this presentation:

(1) Explain the green building provisions in the stimulus package.
(2) Convey how parties can prepare themselves now to take advanage of resulting green buiding opportunities. 

You can be the judge whether I succeeded.  The slides, by themselves, do not do the presentation justice.  If you are interested in hosting the "Green in the Stimulus" presentation for your company, please contact me at  The presentation can be tailored to your specific state or region and industry. 

Getting Green from the Stimulus View more presentations from Chris Cheatham. (tags: stimulus efficiency)